Category: Blog

COVID-19 Staff Screening 0

COVID-19 Staff Screening

Genesis Staff, Please use the link below to access the pre-shift screening that you are required to complete before starting your shift.

COVID-19: Essential Business Letter 0

COVID-19: Essential Business Letter

To our caregivers: Please use this letter to present as needed when traveling to/from work to provide supports for those we care for. This letter is proof that you are providing an essential service....


The Importance of Structure

When working with people with special needs, it is important to find ways to help them create structure, so they can live safely and happily. This is an important point of focus because many...



Advantage Oakland Advantage Oakland is a resource center for Oakland County, providing leading-edge services and programs that help the county continue to make the transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. Genesis...

Simon Sinek’s Starting with Why and Caregiving 0

Simon Sinek’s Starting with Why and Caregiving

A caregiver’s function is to provide care. But what is their purpose? Why is it so important to take care of people? Answers to these questions may seem obvious to some, while to others...


Caregiving and Gifts

One day , I was sitting around a table going over a rather dry training with a group of individuals I served, when the idea of gifts came up. This is the idea that...


Negative Capacity in Caregiving

Caring for others is one of life’s most difficult tasks because it constantly involves the whole being of the caregiver. Physically, caregivers put wear on their bodies by lifting, pushing, pulling, ducking and yes,...


15 Self-Care Tips for Caregivers

Caregiving can be excruciatingly difficult work. It’s physically exhausting and emotionally taxing. There are great articles with advice on how to cope with the stresses of caregiving, but time is limited when you’re a caregiver,...